Improving impact
Take the pledge – get the support and resources to showcase the impact you’ve had with your STEM outreach
We know there’s a skills gap in engineering. We know we need to work together to find a solution for a sustainable engineering future. That’s why we’re inviting you to be part of The Code community.
All young people deserve to have a rich and varied experience of connected engineering experiences. They need to see how STEM is applied to real-world problem-solving and to feel inspired to consider future career opportunities. Can your organisation pledge to inspire connection?
No matter the size of your organisation, the resources you have, or whether you’re already delivering engagement activities – The Code is a great resource that will support you along the way.
Download The Code Pack to see how it could benefit your organisation and its outreach.
The Code is a community, of over 250 organisations, that share the same goal – inspire more young people into engineering. Through the four pledges, we are working together to inspire a diverse engineering workforce.
Inspiring connection - Driving inclusion - Showcasing engineering
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